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Vintage sewing treasures

Tom’s Nanna recently passed on a box of vintage sewing treasures to me, and I had to let you see them! I was so excited to discover what was inside… I love anything vintage but especially sewing things. They always make me wonder who used them and where they came from. I don’t actually know anything about these, but I’ll find out and will let you know! 


Even the outside is lovely – not sure how sewing things ended up in a box for developing formula, but it’s a good combo and it’s all part of the history!


A box of vintage treasures


When I took off the lid, this is what I found: a selection of what turned out to be beautiful vintage iron-on transfers! I’ve got no idea how old they are, but some have been used and others haven’t.


Vintage embroidery


Needlewoman and Needlecraft



The ‘A’ in these next couple could be a connection to our family name (which is Albans) – I wonder what these letters were embroidered on to…


Vintage transfer


Small vintage transfers


These napkin designs are just wonderful – they even have a vintage name to match!


Spring glory vintage napkins


Hiding underneath the transfers was a glorious selection of embroidery floss. Look at the lovely colours!


A lovely selection of vintage threads


Lovely vintage embroidery floss


And I’m saving the best until last here…there’s a transfer for a beautiful table runner! I’m definitely going to have this as a long-term project, as it would be so lovely to stitch. I’m not sure whether the pattern will transfer easily without spoiling the original, so I may trace it. I’d actually quite like to frame the transfer, as it’s so lovely!


Vintage table runner transfer


Table runner pattern detail


I even have the original instructions, so hopefully I’ll be able to get the right colours too.


Table runner instructions


Runner instructions


Not sure when I’ll be starting, but stay tuned for progress pictures when I do! I am so lucky to have been given these beautiful treasures, and I really want to do the old pattern justice so I’ll be taking my time… I hope you enjoyed seeing the photos! Hope you have a great weekend – what are you up to?


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