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The making of Tom’s trousers

A few weeks ago, I started making a pair of trousers for Tom (see my work in progress post for the beginnings of this project!). It was never going to be a quick project, and I wasn’t entirely sure that I’d get it right first time but I’d got some fabric quite cheaply, so this first go was a sort of trial run. Well, as you can see, they are finished – yay 🙂 (Sorry about the rubbish photo – it’s really tough to get a good photo of black trousers in bad light…!)


I can’t believe how much I’ve learnt about sewing by making these trousers. If you want to get to know your sewing machine a little better, then this is certainly the way to do it! I’ve used about four different feet to do things I didn’t know were possible, and numerous different stitches too. AND I put an actual zip in! This is so exciting!





The waistband and belt loops were pretty tricky, mainly because it took me so long to get my head around the instructions at that point! It really made my brain hurt…but not as much as the blind hemming. That was the most confusing part! I managed to work out that I own a foot for that bit, but even though I was reading the instructions in my manual, I just couldn’t work out how I needed to place the fabric. But thankfully, I found this super helpful video about blind hemming – phew! 🙂 Really could not have done this without it!





One thing that I didn’t attempt here was a buttonhole – I cheated a bit and used a hook and bar instead. That’s actually what Tom said he would prefer, and it saved me having to learn something else for this! I’ll be having a play around with the buttonhole foot at some point soon though.





I’m so SO pleased that I’ve made these and that they actually look like trousers! There is just one problem…when measuring up and thinking about sizes, we decided to make the smallest size, but they are actually a size too small! I couldn’t believe it! Although I was a bit disappointed at first, Tom did remind me that this was meant to be a trial run anyway 🙂 And I really have learnt such a lot from making them, so my next pair should be even better!

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