The making of my Christmas jumper 2013
I LOVE Christmas jumpers, and thankfully for me they’ve made a big comeback over the past few years! Last year I made a Rudolph jumper (which I wore again this weekend for our traditional Christmas walk) and so I’ve been wondering what I should make for this year. And then I saw it (on Pinterest of course). As soon as I saw it, I knew I’d have to make it!
The original photo is here but I have no idea who designed it, so I’m unable to credit the maker. For that reason, I’m not doing this post as a tutorial because I don’t want to upset anyone, but I’d like to say a big thank you to the person or people who came up with this idea!
If you do want to make your own, I’d suggest using a big baggy jumper – fashion this year dictated that I would not be able to find one (I also couldn’t find green gloves, so the red ones will do this year). You could go as crazy as you like with the decorations, but just remember to make sure that the tinsel around your arms continues the same pattern, because you’ll be able to turn yourself into a tree like this!
It’s an interactive jumper! 🙂
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What a riot ! I keep hearing about these Christmas Sweater….errrr Jumper parties and I’m eager to be invited too. I guess some vintage shops are sold out and asking buyers to return theirs for a credit after the party so it can be re-sold. Have fun at your party !
Wow, I didn’t realise vintage jumpers were in demand! The whole Christmas jumper obsession has really taken hold this year in the UK – they’re everywhere! Tonight I’ll get to wear it again as we’re having our Christmas meal with our old neighbours. Can’t wait! 🙂
Oh, fun fun! Feliz Navidad!