sewing projects
Simplicity blogger challenge
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been working on my dress for the Simplicity blogger challenge – and (with only a couple of days to spare) I have finished. Phew! When I heard about the challenge I knew I’d have to give it a go, and had an idea of what I wanted to do…
Read MoreAnother patchwork baby quilt
I have recently made another patchwork baby quilt for one of our dear friends who has just had her first baby. This baby is a miracle really, especially after she was told in 2013 that she would never be able to have children – it was the most wonderful news when she told us! I obviously…
Read MoreFabric stash inventory
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1425052949469{padding-bottom: 30px !important;}”]This project and post was inspired by one of my lovely blog readers, Jennie! We met last summer at Harrogate station (on our way home from the Great Northern Quilt Show) and we have been in touch since then via my blog and social media. One of Jennie’s resolutions this year is…
Read MoreThe making of Tom’s trousers
A few weeks ago, I started making a pair of trousers for Tom (see my work in progress post for the beginnings of this project!). It was never going to be a quick project, and I wasn’t entirely sure that I’d get it right first time but I’d got some fabric quite cheaply, so this…
Read MoreWork in progress: Tom’s trousers
I recently asked Tom if he would like me to make him something, as I haven’t made him anything since the wedding waistcoats and I seem to have lots of things for me planned! Anyway, he said that he’d quite like some trousers. Hmm, trousers. From what I knew about trousers, they’re quite tricky –…
Read MoreMy new sewing machine!
Today was a really exciting day – my new sewing machine arrived! 🙂 My lovely old machine (that used to belong to my Mum and is many, many years old) decided last week that it didn’t want to sew through more than one layer of fabric 🙁 This is my old machine:
Read MoreEmbroidered pin cushion
I love craft books. In fact, I’m hooked on them (in addition to my little obsession with cookery books too…our house is pretty full!). I’m a big fan of Aimee Ray’s embroidery designs and have already blogged about some designs from her Doodle Stitching books. When I saw the pincushion on the front of…
Read MoreEmbroidered eye mask
On Thursday I had lots of crafting planned (I’d been thinking carefully about it all week!) and was really looking forward to making the most of my part time days. But I woke up with the most horrible migraine and ended up staying in bed for the whole day! 🙁 Needless to say, I didn’t…
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