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Another patchwork baby quilt

I have recently made another patchwork baby quilt for one of our dear friends who has just had her first baby. This baby is a miracle really, especially after she was told in 2013 that she would never be able to have children – it was the most wonderful news when she told us! I obviously had to make a quilt, as this is my tradition now. I knew that it would have to feature music in some way and I found this amazing Michael Miller fabric – it’s called Jazz Between Friends guitar in the adventure shade. Love it!


Jazz between friends


I matched the guitar colours with Kona cottons (it’s always good to have a reason to get the colour card out!), and it goes with Kona Jamaica (blue), Persimmon (orange), Lipstick (red), Pear (green) and Corn Yellow. I decided to use a dark blue binding to match (this was pre-made).


To make this quilt, you can follow my instructions from my first quilt (click here). I cut 7″ squares, but only used a 5 x 5 pattern to make a square quilt this time. It made sense to do that really, especially as I jut used solids for the patchwork. At first I modelled the layout on my first quilt, but I thought that the colours wanted to be a bit more random than that (although Tom has since pointed out to me that it can’t be random if I planned it…!). So this is the randomly-planned layout:


Square quilt layout


I’ll definitely be using this layout again – I’ve got one of each colour in each row, which is quite satisfying! I stitched the squares together, and then layered up the quilt. After my first two attempts at quilting, I used a different wadding this time – I went for two layers of Simply Cotton (pre-washed before quilting). It’s so much easier to quilt with, and I’m much happier with it overall so will definitely be using this and nothing else in future! Here’s the back – I kept the quilting simple by quilting in the ditch, which means that the pattern still shows through nicely:


Guitar quilt backing


I really must learn from my issues with binding though – after my first two quilts, I told myself that I must stitch the front on the machine and then hand stitch the back. Did I do this? Nope! So a few bits are a little untidy…let this be my reminder for the next one!


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  1. Jennie Bisset on March 18, 2015 at 4:59 pm

    Excellent quilt! I just love the primary colours which are really good for stimulating baby when he/she is enjoying tummy time! I bought some simply cotton recently and really like it, do you feel it’s too thin only using one layer?

    • Clare on March 18, 2015 at 10:00 pm

      Thanks so much, Jennie! 🙂 It was fun matching the colours, and I’m pleased to say that Mum and baby seem to like it very much! I did think that it might be too thin with just one layer for playing on, but I guess that it would be fine for a ‘normal’ quilt (if there is such a thing!). It seems like it would be quite warm even with just one layer. What sort of quilt are you making? X

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