Bits & bobs: July 2015
Hello! Sorry for my little blog absence over the past week or so. July was another really busy month – so busy, that I’m a little (well, quite) late with my monthly round-up post again! The weather hasn’t been amazing up here in Newcastle, but we’ve been trying to make the best of it anyway. We’re hoping that it will be good when we finally get a holiday at the end of this month!
Despite the weather, our wildflower meadow in the front garden is growing really well! This is a photo from earlier last month, and it has filled out much more since then. It must be all that rain with the odd bit of sun that has actually done the trick! My favourites are the poppies and we’ve had a good variety of them. I love that they just grow wherever they like too, especially the ones growing out of the doorstep!
I read lots of great things in July. I really enjoyed reading this post by Melanie at Geoffrey and Grace, which is all about slowing down – life dictates that we do things right now, but it’s good to slow things down a little sometimes. Appreciate the little things. I have also been reading The Crossroads of Should and Must by Elle Luna which has been a wonderful companion to Pip Lincolne’s Craft for the Soul (click here to read my review of that). I’ll get around to writing a review for this one soon too – it’s a great book.
My YouTube channelwent live this month – thanks so much to everyone who has watched so far! I’m currently working on a few more projects to share with you so watch this space. I’ve been doing a lot of sewing recently so hoping to blog about that soon – got a couple of new patterns to try out, including the Bettine by Tilly and the Buttons which I love!
What projects have you been working on?
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Busy month – so full of colour! I hope August brings lots of time to slow down and enjoy the daily scenes of life. Summer will be over before we know it!