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365 Grateful: Hello! Hooray! 2015

Have you heard of  365 Grateful? If not, don’t worry – it’s new to me too! I first read about it in Flow Magazine (international edition, issue 7) last month, and was really inspired by the story of how Hailey Bartholomew set up this project. She took polaroid photos every day in order to appreciate the little things in life that often pass you by, and she was amazed by the power of gratitude for these every day things. Since then, lots of people have taken up the 365 grateful challenge, and I have decided to do it in 2015!


I completed the 100 Happy Days photo-a-day challenge earlier this year, and enjoyed doing it so much. Suddenly the little things that can easily pass me by became important, and it was great to be recording them. I genuinely think it changed my outlook on things too – although I’m generally quite a positive person, it was good to have something that helped me to focus on these things every day, even if I was having a not-so-good day. It was so good to look back and remember these things too, and when I read about this challenge I knew I’d have to give it a go! Obviously, 365 days is going to be more challenging than 100, but I’m up for it! 🙂


I’ll be sharing my photos for this challenge on Instagram (follow me @hellohoorayblog if you fancy!) and I’ll probably be sharing a selection on my blog too. If you’d like to find out more about this challenge, visit the website.


My Father-in-law, Keith, is taking up his own challenge this year and will be blogging about what he is doing every day at 20:15 – if you’d like to follow him, click here.


What challenges or goals are you setting for 2015?



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