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Today has been a bit of a strange day. We woke up to find that the UK had decided to leave the EU, and as one of the 48% of people who voted to remain I was pretty gutted to be honest.  I spent most of the morning watching the coverage on the telly, trying desperately to make sense of a country that is quite clearly divided over so many things, let alone the issue of Europe. I’ve never really shared my political views publicly, certainly not on my blog or social media before, but I felt really strongly that we should remain a part of the EU to be stronger together. That doesn’t mean that I don’t recognise that there are issues with it, and I do realise that the EU has done quite a lot for us both good and bad. But I feel that there’s an overall sense of negativity today, which I have been guilty of feeling too. I want to show that #positivityremains.


I hope that the result of the election does not divide the UK further. It feels like a very uncertain place to live in at the moment. I hope that people will become united in trying to make the best of this situation for ALL people in the UK, and not just the elite or the people who stand to gain from this result the most. I hope that the media and people in government have the sense to stop the ridiculous nature of how a lot of the campaign panned out and was reported, so we can really change it for the better. I hope that our relationship with people in Europe is not completely damaged because of this – we did not all vote for this separation after all!


Yellow roses | Hello! Hooray!


I also hope that we can, as individuals and communities, remain positive. That’s why I’m writing this post. Whether you voted to remain or to leave, we need to work together for a positive future. We need to remain confident and positive that we can create a better society for us, for our children and for generations to come.




To play my small part in this, I’ve been thinking of the little positive things that have happened today. I believe that starting with the little things, we can build from there. Positive things are everywhere – we just have to be open to them and encourage each other to do the same. They might feel trivial, or it might sound a bit cheesy, but if it makes us feel good then who cares?! Here are mine so far today:


  • Little One has been full of smiles today and thinks that fist bumps are the funniest thing ever!
  • I picked 7 beautiful roses from my garden and they smell beautiful. I’ve now got them in tea cups and little bottles around the house.
  • I got back from the shops just before the monsoon rain hit.
  • I managed to wear my jeans for the first time since being pregnant – yay!


I’d love to know what your positive things are from today, and so I’m using the hashtag #positivityremains if you would like to join in. Tag me @hellohoorayblog on Instagram, share on Facebook or Twitter or leave a comment below.


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  1. Helen on June 24, 2016 at 5:40 pm

    Good post Clare, thanks!
    H x

    • Clare on June 26, 2016 at 8:12 pm

      Thanks Helen – still trying to take it all in! xx

  2. Pam Albans on June 25, 2016 at 8:38 am

    So needed to hear some encouragement after yesterday. Thank you Clare.

    • Clare on June 26, 2016 at 8:12 pm

      You’re welcome, Pam – I hope you are well xx

  3. TRINI ALVAREZ on June 26, 2016 at 10:38 am

    Muy buena reflexión, Clare!
    Un abrazo desde Galicia, España

    • Clare on June 26, 2016 at 8:11 pm

      Thank you so much, Trini – we need lots of hugs at the moment! xx

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