Almond and apricot cake
Little One has a list of foods for nursery, and we were recently asked to tick a few more off (even though she eats most of the things on it!). One of these was apricots.
Read MoreNigella’s chocolate olive oil cake
I recently made Nigella’s chocolate olive oil cake for a dear friend who is now dairy and gluten free.
Read MoreYorkshire Day parkin
1st August is Yorkshire Day, so we are celebrating by making some special Yorkshire Day parkin!
Read MorePecan cake with raspberry ripple ice cream
I really love getting back into baking again, and when I saw this recipe for pecan cake with raspberry ripple ice cream on Facebook I knew I had to give it a go!
Read MoreOrange and almond Victoria sponge cake
It has been a little while since I managed to do any baking – I did do a bit in the last couple of weeks of my pregnancy as I had a thing about flapjack (recipe here) and wanted to have cake in the freezer (so I made this honey, banana and almond cake).
Read MoreRainbow birthday cake
Hey everyone! Hope you’re all well? I was true to my word in my last post when I said that posts would be a bit more sporadic over here…lots of nesting and sleeping has been going on 🙂
Read MoreLemon and elderflower drizzle cake
Having made a batch of elderflower cordial, I was keen to find some other ways to use it.
Read MoreCaramel cake
Today is World Baking Day and so I had to share a cake recipe with you! I made this caramel cake for my Mum’s birthday last month, and the recipe originally comes from the Clandestine Cake Club Cookbook (it’s a recipe by Nelly Ritchie who is in the Newcastle CCC – yay!). It was the first…
Read MoreRaspberry and blueberry lime drizzle cake
It’s a lovely Bank Holiday weekend this weekend, which calls for cake! This lovely raspberry and blueberry lime drizzle cake is really fruity, and the combination works really well. Make it in a small square tin and it will be perfect for a picnic. Let’s just keep our fingers crossed for good weather!
Read MoreBanana bread
Some of you will already know that we only eat bananas in cake or bread form! Tom isn’t a fan of fruit, and I can’t get on with the texture of bananas at all. But in a cake, we both agree that they are delicious. This was the first banana bread recipe I ever made, and…
Read MoreBanana and Nutella cake
Last weekend, we packed up the remaining items in our old kitchen in preparation for the builders to knock through at some point soon. It’s going to be really dusty, so best to get things out of the way in advance! We decided to do one last bake in our oven, which is incredibly old…
Read MoreButtermilk cake
Our building work is in full swing now so there isn’t really much cooking or baking going on at the moment. The work only started on Wednesday, and I’m missing it already! So it’s a good job that I have been saving up a few foodie posts to use whilst it’s all happening. I made…
Read MoreSquidgy pumpkin and ginger loaf
I have seriously fallen in love with the humble pumpkin this year, and this is another recipe that I just had to try! We’re huge fans of ginger and it works perfectly with the pumpkin in this squidgy pumpkin and ginger loaf. It tastes even better if you wrap it up well in parchment paper…
Read MorePumpkin lemon and poppy seed loaf
I love autumn, and I really enjoy finding new seasonal recipes to try out.
Read MoreCatching up…
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I’m getting back into the swing of things with my blog now it’s up and running – I really hope you like my new site! 🙂 It feels like I’ve been away for ages, so today I’m spending a bit of time planning posts and generally working out where I’m up to! There are a…
Read MoreGinger golden syrup loaf
I made this gorgeous loaf ages ago, and then completely forgot to write the post about it! It comes from Rachel Allen’s ‘Cake‘ – a fabulous book which the Bakewell Cake that I made a few months ago came from too. If you’re a fan of ginger then you’ll love this – it didn’t…
Read MoreSticky honey, almond and banana cake
We have friends staying this weekend and I’m a firm believer that there should always be cake in the house when people come to stay. So I made this old favourite – it’s actually the only way me and Tom will eat bananas! I use my brownie pan to make this sticky honey almond and…
Read MoreBakewell Cake
It’s always good to have cake in the house when people come to stay, and this weekend our lovely friend (and old flatmate) Katrina came to visit 🙂 So I decided to try out a recipe from Rachel Allen’s ‘Cake‘ and this Bakewell Cake seemed like a good choice. It’s a really easy recipe and…
Read MoreGuinness Parkin
Parkin is a real taste of Autumn, and I absolutely love it! Last year I made a traditional Yorkshire Parkin, but recently I spotted a less traditional recipe in Edd Kimber’s ‘The Boy Who Bakes‘ and just had to give it a go! I made two (one for a friend, who bought the Guinness –…
Read MoreRich chocolate almond cake with white chocolate frosting
Last week we had a pre-birthday celebration for our lovely friend Hannah, and everyone brought something along to contribute to the meal. We were set the challenge of making a birthday cake – but what sort of cake do you make for the person who made you the most amazing wedding cake?! So we decided…
Read MoreHoney Cake
I’m trying to be super healthy at the moment, because operation wedding dress is officially on! But I did make this yummy cake for Mum’s birthday, which doesn’t count (that’s what I keep telling myself anyway!). It is a James Martin recipe from the BBC website and is really easy to make – I actually…
Read MoreOrange and Almond Cake
Whilst I was doing some sleepy baking last night (see yesterday’s post!), Tom was making another cake. His looked much better than mine and it tasted amazing too – possibly the moistest (is that a word?) cake I’ve ever had, and really zingy too. Tom is getting a reputation for being a star baker at…
Read MoreMary Berry’s Lemon Victoria Sandwich
Mary Berry’s Lemon Victoria Sandwich recipe was specially commissioned by the GDST for the 140th anniversary of the Girls’ Day School Trust and appeared in issue 12/13 of Verve Magazine (also available online here). Mary Berry is a GDST alumna, and all girls were given a postcard with the recipe to celebrate the Bake Off…
Read MoreThe Classic Victoria Sponge
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I absolutely LOVE cake. I could quite happily live without chocolate, but there is no way I could cope without the odd bit of cake and a cuppa! My favourite has to be the classic Victoria Sponge, complete with vanilla buttercream and raspberry jam…mmm…so easy to make and it tastes so good! One to make…
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