Hello! Hooray! blog
I really believe that it is so important to take time out to be creative, so here on my blog you will find lots of ideas of things to do in your creative time.
We spend so much of our lives focussing on our day jobs that we often miss out on time for making, but finding even small amounts of time to create something with our hands can have a big impact on our productivity and well-being.
Low-fat Tomato Pasta Sauce
Before I met Tom, I couldn’t really cook. I could make something that vaguely resembled a stir-fry and I was also good at omelettes, but that was pretty much it. I didn’t have much confidence in the kitchen, and before moving away from home I also didn’t have a lot of time for cooking – I spent most of my time…
Read MoreYorkshire Parkin
For me, Yorkshire parkin is the true taste of Autumn. I’m a proud Yorkshire lass and there is nothing better on a chilly evening than drinking a cup of tea and munching on a slab of this wonderful treat. This is a really great recipe that was published in the Waitrose Weekend magazine on 13th September…
Read MorePumpkin Carrot and Bacon Soup
Happy Halloween! As you can see we have been busy here decorating pumpkins – as usual, I avoid the really scary stuff and have made the happiest looking pumpkin ever, haha! We are actually not huge fans of Halloween, so this is about all we do (I guess you could say that we’re Halloween scrooges!)…
Read MoreA very versatile lamb recipe
This is a great recipe for mince and dumplings and it is one of our household favourites. The reason it is versatile is because you can create several different meals simply by substituting a few ingredients. If you use lamb mince and substitute the dumplings for mashed potato the recipe becomes Shepherd’s Pie, or substitute the lamb for beef mince and top with…
Read MoreBake your own bread
Bake your own bread Today was the first Saturday that I’ve been at home for a few weeks, so I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to bake some bread. I think that some people are put off making it because they think it might take too long or that it might be too…
Read MoreA bit of Doodle Stitching
I absolutely LOVE Aimee Ray’s Doodle Stitching books. Until a couple of years ago I hadn’t really sewn anything, let alone tried my hand at embroidery! But these books are so accessible and the designs are beautiful, and I’d highly recommend them to anyone whether you’re a beginner or a pro.
Read MoreOaty Apple Crumble
It has been a lovely, sunny autumn day today, and as the nights draw in I find that I’m craving comfort food! I have to admit that I have a bit of a sweet tooth, and this Oaty Apple Crumble is definitely one of our household favourites. This recipe has developed over time as I’ve…
Read MoreThe first post on my new blog!
The first post on a new blog is always a momentous occasion. It feels as though you should say something important and thought-provoking, which is always really tough! I have to say that I can’t think of anything like that at the moment (sorry!) but I am really excited to be writing this new blog about the things…
Read MoreA little bit about me and my blog
I have certainly found that being creative has helped to improve my mental health over the past few years. I find that when I have the space to take time out to be creative, I feel like I am working on something positive for me. Craft can't fix everything, but it certainly makes me feel good!
I am passionate about being creative with my children as well as working on my own projects, so some of my posts will discuss how we juggle our family time with running a small business and everything else in between.
Do feel free to get in touch, either by commenting on a post or by completing the contact form.